冤假错案洗脑被精神病十年受害人王焰2007——? implore the world's people concerned about China government mind control human experiment ten years Victims Wang Yan(2007——20**) (that power organization——Injustice case ) (73211 force Veteran soldier Anhui Province anqing Qianshan County wang yan suffer government Mandatory Psychiatric 2007——2017) Address: QianShan County, Anhui , Anqing City , China E-mail : wangyanba001@gmail.com Phone +86—15055472117 my blog : http://www.1339624141.tumblr.com/
implore the world's people concerned about China government mind control human experiment ten years Victims Wang Yan(2007——2017)
implore the world's people concerned about China government mind control human experiment ten years Victims Wang Yan ( 2007 ——...